Sven Kusebauch

Full-Stack Software Developer

Are you looking for a specialist who can turn your idea or project into customized software?

Sven Kusebauch
Certified among others by



I help my customers with individual software solutions

In numerous companies, business processes have grown chaotically over the years or decades. Valuable resources are unnecessarily used up as a result. My goal is to write individual software that optimizes existing business processes and even launches new products and services.

What do you prefer - individual software designed precisely to your needs, or commercial solutions, to which all your processes must be adapted?


Individual software development

Long-term support

From the initial concept to the implementation of the customized solution to the iterative expansion, I am at your disposal as a long-term partner. In this way, you achieve maximum added value and the best possible success in the long term.

MVP Development

Do you need a first minimal functional application in a short time to validate your hypothesis or to convince potential investors? Then, I would be happy to advise you on your plans and turn your idea into a fully functional application in just a few weeks.

Do you have a larger project in mind?

No problem! Check out Softwaregarage GmbH, my corporation where we offer individual software development and help companies, startups and innovators build digital products. There we have a large team of top talents motivated to implement your project together.


Are you looking for new ideas?

Just say hello. I'll be happy to learn more about your goals and brainstorm ideas with you.